Wiremesh Bend Machine
Sellinf wiremesh bending machine
Wiremesh bending machine is
a machine used to bend wiremesh which is usually used as concrete reinforcement in accordance with the desired size.
The advantages of this Wiremesh buckling machine are: the machine uses a hydraulic system, time efficiency because it can be faster than the manual and precision size of iron buckling wiremesh.
The machine can be used for wiremesh with a maximum thickness of 12 mm concrete iron and how to care for this machine is quite easy.
Besides wiremesh buckling machines, we also produce precast concrete molds and we are also engaged in steel construction. Please visit our workshop at JJ Permata Jabon Blok A17 and B17 Warehouses in Tambak Sawah, Waru-Sidoarjo or please contact us for more information.